(These pages were created with 800 x 600 screen resolution but with 640 x 480 in mind! Best viewed in Virtual Places and can be viewed with either browser!!)

Welcome To

Thee VP Playpen

It's an Honor and a

Privilege to be a member of the...

And now....

This VP Avatar Master's Webring
site is owned by
¥ Mighty Max ¥.

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VP Avatar Master's Webring ?

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.....Just joined 04/01/98(officially)

.....Just joined 7/29/98(posted 8/2/98)

Click to check out VP Tour Bus Ring! This VP Tour Bus site owned by ¥ Mighty Max ¥.

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The VP Playpen has a new addition it's called Mighty Max's Toon Avs .

Click Here for a JukeBox.

Please do not use above in Virtual places...for some god awful reason it doesn't load in VP, but it will load if you surf to it out of VP. Am working on it though!

These pages were created for people who use Virtual Places. This is my 5th modification of my Web Pages and 2nd edition of Thee VP Playpen(working on the 3rd edition)! What I intend here is to create VP Avatars, Tours, and Gestures for everyone to use. These pages are cross browser compatible finally! If you are wondering what Virtual Places is, check out the VPlaces button.

These pages would not have been possible without the help of Pam Bytes and her Wonderful Freebie pages! *Hugs* to ya Pam in friendship.

The Avatars and Tours posted on this page are copyrighted by the people who created them. You may save them for your own personal and private use. I claim neither responsibility nor liability in their use. Further, if the copyright owners request they be removed, they shall be removed.

Send all your Comments, Suggestions, and Hate Mail

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And you can finally use with these pages.