
Tourbus Help

This tutorial is continued from previous lesson.....if you don't have the basic knowledge of how to make an av I would suggest using link to avatars to the left. It also uses Paint Shop Pro5 for examples!!!

So ya wanna make your own Tourbuses? Tourbuses are a little bit different the Avs or pair Avs. They are wider. A tourbus size is, 144(w) x 64(h)(some of the standard tourbuses that come with the program are 144(w) x 62(h). Was just a note to let ya know that two sizes can be used....sorry if I confused you).

Now the fun begins. You need to find and image you want to make a Tourbus. Well use this image for an example:

Now we need to make a crop of the image(crop means copy of a portion of the picture). Here's an example of what a crop is:

Crop Example

Once we have the white lines(see above picture)we paste the crop as a new image. Should look like this:

finished crop

This is the cropped picture....notice it needs to be resized. In psp5 go Image menu resize. A box will pop up. Enter the dementions 144(w) x 64(h) (or the alternate size of 144(w) x 62(h)if you choose to do so). One thing may happen that in hindsight I thought I'd mention...sometimes psp5 fugs up and makes the image appear like there's a checker board under it even though the image is resized to the demensions you want. What I do in that case is, create a new image(press the white piece of paper in upper left corner). A box appears. In the dementions area enter the dementions of your crop. Then press enter(to make new image). Then go to Seletions Menu choose select all. Then choose cut(scissors button). Then choose Edit Menu. Choose paste as a new selection. The image will float on the new image till youleft click it. Before you do that, line it up on 0,0(demensions found on bottom of psp5)then left click it. The right click it. Then resize it to the above demensions. IMPORTANT when you save it, it must be in .gif form. Here's the end result:

a Tourbus

Well I hope this has been an informative tutorial. Happy Tourbus Making!
