Avatars pair Avs Tourbuses Gestures back

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Before ya get into the progam download and all I wanted to take a moment and Thank The Free Site for using me as a referance point for Virtual Places and if ya surfed onto here from VP and are wondering what The Free Site is all about check it out.

Just a quick note, Avatars link is for help with creating Avatars. Toourbuses link is for help with creating Tourbuses and Gestures link is for help with creating Gestures. If you are just getting into Virtual Places you'll understand this when ya come back! The Back button will take ya back to the previous page.

So you're probally wondering what the hell is Virtual Places? Virtual Places(or VP as it's referred to) is a Chat Program that uses Webpages(instead of the plain white backgrounds commonly used in IRC, MIRC or PIRCH) as a Background. It also uses Avatars(small pictures) which represent you in VP. Then there's cool little caption boxes(sorta like cartoons) that are displayed, after you type your comments. Then you have these neat things called gestures. Gestures are small animated (most of them not all of them) pictures and a wav file that expresses how you feel or wanna say! And finally there are Tour Vehicles. Tour Vehicles are cool way for You and your friends(up to 11 of yas) to go web page surfing and to other chat rooms or you and a Loved One can check it out alone! Now is that cool or what? They have addeded Voice chat now(I think it bites but that's my opinion).You can snag your copy here.

Excite VP

I recomend this version. The AOL Version is no more!

Excite has stopped with their version of VP(dubbed super chat)as of 02/2005. Halsoft has a version of VP it's here(note: it's free for 14 days. Thereafter 10 bucks a month or 80 a year). There is a VP variation called Voodoo Chat(a free client), that I've been know to drop in from time to time. And finally, there is another chat client called Babble On that's coming out sometime this year. I saw a couple other chat clients mentioned on VP Universe Board but never got around to checking them out.
