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Pair Av Help

This tutorial is continued from previous lesson.....if you don't have the basic knowledge of how to make an av I would suggest using link to avatars to the left. It also uses Paint Shop Pro5 for examples!!!

Ok, so ya wanna make make your cool pair avs? Well, here we go. Since we know the size of an av is 48(w) x 64(h) you're probally wondering how do we get them to look like one picture. That's easy, just double the width of an av.

Now the fun begins. We first have to find an image that we wanna use. We'll use this image for an example!

Mirage Example

Now we need to make a crop of the image(crop means copy of a portion of the picture). Here's an example of what a crop is:

Crop Example

Once we have the white lines(see above picture)we paste the crop as a new image. Should look like this:

finished crop

The above image also has been resized for pair size 96(w) x 64(h). Now we have to crop part of the above picture to normal Av size(48 x 64). paste the crop as a new image again. Then, we need to crop the other half! IMPORTANT when in PSP5 you have to start second crop at 48(w)and zero(h)!!! Crop the rest of image in order to get a pairs set to display the way you want. IMPORTANT save Avs as .gif files!!! The ending result is:

Well I hope this has been an informative tutorial. Happy Pair Avatar Making!
